Don't look now but your Instagram profile Grid has changed. No worries. I'm going to show you how to fix it so it looks good with the updated layout.
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Don't look now but your Instagram profile Grid has changed. No worries. I'm going to show you how to fix it so it looks good with the updated layout.
This is something that on Instagram that people had kind of feared and it has to do with your Instagram grid with this new vertical layout click on the three dots and I can if you go about halfway down you see it says remove from profile grid uh roundabout right here remove from profile grid so if there was something now on my profile grid that just looked whack right I can remove it but I'm not going to do that what you can do also is adjust the preview so now I've scroll down let's see if I can always got to remember right here it says adjust preview

now I can drag it just to reposition it a little bit I I don't in this particular case it really doesn't make that much difference but in your case it just all depends upon what you have on your grid now there's also this

option where I can decide to to fill it with a background when I make that adjustment okay so I'm going to turn it off and say fit but now I'm going to say fill now I can toggle between a black background or white background so there's going to be a border around it to make it fill that vertical spot okay and so that could be either black or white so in this case I just turned it back to White it was black so let's just go back to my grid and you'll see here there's one that I have that has the black this one has the black around it this one has the white it's just up to you here's another one this one was a photo okay this one was a photo so I want you to see what happens here when you adjust the preview and I could have like I said added as the white background

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Image credit: @ideogram_ai
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