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Me More Cool Sofa Futon

My grandson loves this MeMoreCool sofa. It converts easily from a chair to a bed made just for kids. Shop on Amazon #commissionsearned
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The MeMoreCool Sofa is perfect for toddlers.
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As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases

I am so pleased with this kids floor mattress my sponsor sent me. When you open up the packaging take a moment to unzip all the zippers. That way the foam gets a chance to expand and inflate so it can be super soft for your little ones. Overall, I’m impressed with the build quality and craftsmanship of this comfy and cozy MeMore Cool sofa bed. It comes with it’s own matching pillow making it the perfect spot for toddlers to sit, play, read, or take a nap.

Based on feedback from some customers, they really dig the size, comfort, and glow-in-the-dark feature of the sofa. They say it's perfect for sitting or sleeping, keeps its shape nicely, and makes a great bed for toddlers and preschoolers. They also love how it folds up and the color options.