Coming up with good newsletter topic ideas might be much easier than you think! People sign up because they care so don't disappoint them. Keep them informed. You can sign up for my Digital Media Weekly Newsletter here:
Looking for topic ideas for your newsletter!
If you're doing meetings or workshops or webinars or what or maybe there's even in-person events you definitely want to announce that in your newsletter.
Like I said, these people have signed up they said they want to hear from you so don't hold back!
Doesn't mean you have to tell them every single thing you did from one newsletter to the next but anything significant.
Especially if it's something that further helps nurture and build community like an event or a meeting or a live stream or an online uh Twitter Space or uh a Twitter chat anything like that is something that your community is going to want to hear from you!
So you definitely want to include that in your newsletter.
Get more email marketing tips in this post: