▶ Check out my gear on Kit: https://kit.com/Ileane I got a new green screen! Come and watch me unbox it! #greenscreen #unboxing Get the green screen here ➞ https://amzn.to/2xjTZop It would be great if you gave this video a like. And if you're not already a subscriber, I'd love for…
In 9 years since I started on YouTube my videos have been watched by you guys well over 1 million times! I have almost 7,000 subscribers and uploaded well over 300 videos. #onemillionviews #greenscreen #youtubelive Time to celebrate 🎉 so I cleaned up my office and bought a new mic!!!…
▶ Check out my gear on Kit: https://kit.com/Ileane Growing your podcast starts with great content but there is more you can do to get the word out about your show. It starts with tracking your podcast stats and finding out where you can grow! #podcastingtips #podcasting SUBSCRIBE TO BETTER THAN…
There are 5 myths about hosting your podcast on Anchor that will help you decide if you want to start an Anchor podcast. For example Anchor helps distribute your podcast to Apple Podcast but they do not auto-submit your show to iTunes. They will auto-submit your podcast to Spotify which…
Listener support for your favorite podcaster on Anchor. You can support The Anchor Show podcast here ➞ #podcasting #anchorfm #listenersupport Read the blog post: https://ileanesmith.com/listener-support/ https://ileane.link/support "If you love this podcast, you can support the creator with a small, monthly donation. Your contribution will help sustain the future of the…
These YouTube 5 Productivity tools will help you maintain a more productive YouTube workflow #productivity #youtubetips #youtubelive ☀︎ Elgato Stream Deck 02:38 get it here → https://amzn.to/2viJ6Dm ~ Nightbot is a free alternative 12:34 ☀︎ Use Restream.io to multi stream on YouTube, Twitch, Facebook, Periscope and more 17:37 https://ileane.link/restreamio ☀︎…
Digital Media news covering #podcasting #livestreaming #pm18 including: ☀︎ Podcast Movement 2018 ☀︎ Anchor.fm - Podcast Lab https://medium.com/anchor/introducing-the-anchor-podcast-lab-a-physical-recording-space-in-new-york-city-for-anyone-to-make-6362d6f94005 01:50 ☀︎ Google Podcasts 09:39 ☀︎ Facebook - Watch Party 18:39 https://newsroom.fb.com/news/2018/07/watch-party-launches-around-the-world/ ☀︎ Twitch - Creator Camp 21:19 https://blog.twitch.tv/twitch-creator-camp-do-what-you-do-best-even-better-3381c64136c8 ☀︎ YouTube - Hashtags 36:58 https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/6390658?hl=en It would be great if you gave…
Elgato Stream Deck is a very popular tool for the gaming community but in this video I'll show you how to use Elgato Stream Deck even when you are not a gamer. #livestreaming #streamdeck #youtubelive ☀︎@Elgato STREAM DECK☀︎ https://amzn.to/2O9uXA3 It would be great if you gave this video a like.…
YouTube and Twitter Latest News and Q&A #WomenCreators #youtubelive #twitter Topics covered: Patreon buys Kit Streamyard https://ileane.link/streamyard Instagram on Windows 10 https://ileane.link/instagramwindows IGTV on Mac LinkedIn QR code Periscope updates 01:13:55 It would be great if you gave this video a like. And if you're not already a subscriber, I'd…
Have you ever wished you could send out an email to your list when you're on the go? Do you wish there was an easy way to grow your list when you're at a conference, Meetup or other in-person events. Start #emailmarketing with Aweber today Try AWeber https://ileane.aweber.com AWeber Mobile…
▶ Check out my gear on Kit: https://kit.com/Ileane Digital Media is changing at the speed of light. Video, Podcasting, Social Media, Live Streaming and more news in today's live stream. Podcast Movement http://podcastmovement.com New Media Show - Google Podcasts Announcement of Creator Program https://youtu.be/Dz7Ubwtlbog?t=35m05s Anchor Podcast http://anchor.fm/ileane Better Than Success…
Wondering how to make videos for #IGTV from your Desktop? In this IGTV Desktop tutorial, I show you 3 ways to make vertical videos from your computer. BONUS: If you are on a Mac, you can upload your IGTV video directly! #instagramtips #ileanegram =================================== My website: https://ileanesmith.com Go here to…
Have you ever tried to listen to podcasts? If you have a smart phone it's very easy to do and I'll show you why listening to podcasts are fun and easy to consume. Overcast and Castbox are two apps you can use to consume podcasts from your phone. =========================================== My…
With all the choices we have for our videos, why should we go with YouTube Live? For one thing, live streaming on YouTube can increase your video watch time. #youtubelive #livestreaming ☀︎☀︎SUPER CHAT SHOUT OUT FOR LARRY SNOW ➞ http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC74V4lvzz9mkCi6DF6i5gYg ☀︎☀︎ Tools I use: Get ➞ http://ileane.link/ecammlive Multistreaming with https://restream.io/…
You started a podcast and now you need to subscribe on iTunes. In this video learn how and why you need to subscribe to your podcast on Apple iTunes from desktop. It would be great if you gave this video a like. And if you're not already a subscriber, I'd…
Anchor.fm introduced mobile imports of audio for your podcast. This new mobile upload option, makes podcasting from your mobile device even easier. #anchorfm #podcasting #podcasters 🔔 Subscribe for more free digital media tips: https://ileane.link/subscribeonyoutube ==============❇️✳️ CONNECT WITH ME ✳️❇️=============== 👩🏾💻 WEBSITE: https://ileanesmith.com ♒️ Podcast: https://theanchorshow.com ☕️ BUY ME A COFFEE:…
What are the perks of being a Twitch affiliate? Learn how you can support your favorite #TwitchAffiliate #LiveStreaming #TwitchTV Link your Amazon Prime account to your Twitch account to get even more benefits on Twitch Prime. They are essentially the same product but you get additional Twitch related perks at…
Streamlabs Mobile is a powerful #livestreaming app. In this video you'll see me do a YouTube Mobile Live Stream but Streamlabs can also be used to stream on Twitch, Mixer and Facebook with a stream key. How to use #YouTubeLive Get Streamlabs mobile app for iOS or Android or Streamlabs…
Learn how to Monetize Your #Podcast 3 ways so that you can make money from #podcasting If you host your podcast on Spreaker it's simple. If not, you need to set up an account with Dynamo by Voxnest. Learn how to set up your show for monetization with this tutorial…
Amazon Echo is on sale for Mother's Day. Get your Mom an Echo or a Dot here: https://www.amazon.com/shop/ileanesmith #amazonecho #echodot #flashbriefings Flash Briefings provide news and weather updates through voice commands on Amazon Alexa Security Driver News by ISDA, Inc. from Larry Snow: https://amzn.to/2K04JgD Tap to subscribe and tap the…
Ready to move your podcast from a free podcast host to a more reliable one? Find out when and how to move your podcast to a new host in this video. Professional Podcast Coaching with Dave Jackson http://ileane.link/SOP #podcasting #podcastingtips The discount code for a free month of podcast hosting…
▶ Check out my gear on Kit: https://kit.com/Ileane Finding it hard to keep up with the Tweets on your Twitter chat? Give this site a try. Get all the details on this Tweet Chat. The first chat for #StreamerChat ➞ https://www.patreon.com/posts/launching-on-18443824 Would you like to be a guest on an…
Have you ever wanted to give money to your favorite YouTuber on SuperChat. Now you can use Superchat from your iPhone. The amount of money you give will determine how long YOUR comment stay on top of the live chat. #youtubelive #superchat #youtubetips Super chat credits: Larry Snow from http://larrysnow.me…
▶ Check out my gear on Kit: https://kit.com/Ileane Integrate Your YouTube Live Stream with Crowdcast to help Build Your List Go to http://ileane.link/ecammlive Shop for gear and books https://www.amazon.com/shop/ileanesmith I use Screenflow http://ileane.link/screenflow Follow my Tweets https://twitter.com/ileane Desktop mic: ATR2100 http://amzn.to/2xqTTwT Webcam: Logitech C920 http://amzn.to/2xdh39J Rode Lav mic: http://amzn.to/2xdh8Kz Connect…