Podcasting on Anchor is fast and fun. Your profile is your key to success on the platform. In this video, I show you how to set up a winning profile so you can grow your audience on Anchor. It would be great if you gave this video a like. And…
Did you know you can get your own YouTube bot? What about live streaming to YouTube and Facebook at the same time? There is that and a lot more coming up in today's video. #youtubelive #youtubetips #livestreaming SUPER CHAT SHOUT OUT FOR Larry Snow from https://larrysnow.me/ https://www.youtube.com/user/SJCWebDesignLLC Stageten https://app.stageten.tv/ Nightbot…
Have you checked your Analytics since Twitter rolled out 280 tweets? Are you even taking advantage of all those extra characters? Let's see how you can find out if longer tweets are better. The blog post http://basicblogtips.com/twitter-analytics.html I'd love ❤️ for you to subscribe to this channel → https://goo.gl/2bro3j Shop…
Wondering how you can improve the audio quality of your recording from your smart phone? In this video I'll show you what it takes to connect an external USB mic to your iPhone I will demo how you can use a USB mic to record your Anchor podcast I'd love…
Get TubeBuddy Now! Use code IleanesBuddy for 20% off https://ileanesmith.com/tubebuddy #ileanesbuddy #tubebuddy The TubeBuddy Bulk Editor can be used to update, replace or change the content from the description of your YouTube videos. WATCH NEXT → https://youtu.be/E1clS2DOtzY This will work great for updating all of your KIT links from DOT…
A few tips for embedding your podcast on a WordPress.com Blog using Spreaker, YouTube or SoundCloud. Short Code For Spreaker: [embed height=”500″]https://www.spreaker.com/user/ileane[/embed] I'd love ❤️ for you to subscribe to this channel → https://goo.gl/2bro3j Shop for gear and books https://www.amazon.com/shop/ileanesmith Follow my Tweets https://twitter.com/ileane Desktop mic: ATR2100 http://amzn.to/2xqTTwT Webcam: Logitech…
Podcasting stats from Apple and the new stats dashboard from Libsyn are game changers. #podcasting #analytics #podcastingtips Find out what these new podcasting stats mean for your show with a look at the iTunes Connect Analytics dashboard and the new Libsyn Stats dashboard. iTunes Connect aka Podcasts Connect - https://podcastsconnect.apple.com/…
The iPhone 8+ and the AirPods are the latest addition to my gear arsenal. I also picked up the Belkin wireless charger for the iPhone 8+. I'd love ❤️ for you to subscribe to this channel → https://goo.gl/2bro3j Shop for gear and books https://www.amazon.com/shop/ileanesmith Follow my Tweets https://twitter.com/ileane Desktop mic:…
Check out the Viltrox Flat Panel LED Lighting. Viltrox L132T http://amzn.to/2jFExwj I'd love ❤️ for you to subscribe to this channel → https://goo.gl/2bro3j Shop for gear and books https://www.amazon.com/shop/ileanesmith Follow my Tweets https://twitter.com/ileane Desktop mic: ATR2100 http://amzn.to/2xqTTwT Webcam: Logitech C920 http://amzn.to/2xdh39J Rode Lav mic: http://amzn.to/2xdh8Kz Connect on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/MsIleaneSpeaks/ DISCLAIMER:…
How can you choose the right hosting for your podcast? What are the options? Anchor Libsyn Blubrry Spreaker Podbean What about podcast players? We talk about that too! I'd love ❤️ for you to subscribe to this channel → https://goo.gl/2bro3j =========================================== My website: https://ileanesmith.com Go here to ask a question…
Big news for small YouTube channels, you only need 25 subs to go live on YouTube from mobile. Big news for everyone who already goes live from mobile, now we can schedule our live streams in advance from our phones! Great updates to the Morning Fame app http://ileane.link/morningfame LATEST VIDEO:…
In this video I unbox the 2nd Generation Amazon Echo. This Echo has a new speaker, new design, and Sandstone Fabric cover. I'd love ❤️ for you to subscribe to this channel → https://goo.gl/2bro3j Follow my Tweets https://twitter.com/ileane Follow me on Twitch https://twitch.tv/ileanesmith Tools and Gear: Ecamm Live http://ileane.link/ecammlive Crowdcast…
YouTube's new Studio on Desktop and Facebook's Creator App on iOS. Check out YouTube Creator Studio https://studio.youtube.com Get Facebook Creator by Facebook, Inc. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/facebook-creator/id894913642?mt=8 I'd love ❤️ for you to subscribe to this channel → https://goo.gl/2bro3j Shop for gear and books https://www.amazon.com/shop/ileanesmith Follow my Tweets https://twitter.com/ileane Desktop mic: ATR2100 http://amzn.to/2xqTTwT…
What does it take to reach 9 Hundred Thousand Views on YOUTUBE?! Let's celebrate Get Tubebuddy http://ileanesmith.com/tubebuddy I'd love ❤️ for you to subscribe to this channel → https://goo.gl/2bro3j Shop for gear and books https://www.amazon.com/shop/ileanesmith Follow my Tweets https://twitter.com/ileane Desktop mic: ATR2100 http://amzn.to/2xqTTwT Webcam: Logitech C920 http://amzn.to/2xdh39J Rode Lav mic:…
Amazon Echo Dot [Unboxing] and Alexa can't pronounce eye-lean! I just set up the Amazon dot so that I can listen to podcasts and music in my new Yoga room. Alexa has some great Skills to help you listen to Music with Amazon Prime, books an Audible and podcasts on…
When you are sharing your screen on Facebook Live or YouTube Live, how do you know which share screen to use? No one likes looking at the "infinity" effect. Well in this video you will learn fro my mistakes and find the right screen to share! Tap the thumbs up…
Get Ecamm Live at http://ileane.link/ecammlive Learn how to use Ecamm Live to live stream to Facebook or YouTube Live with RTMP. This app is extremely versatile and a must have for Mac users! On Facebook Live - You can share screen, add logos and lower thirds, do interviews via Skype,…
How can you grow your subscribers on YouTube? Let's take a look at my YouTube Analytics to see what's working and what's not working. I'd love ❤️ for you to subscribe to this channel → https://goo.gl/2bro3j Shop for gear and books https://www.amazon.com/shop/ileanesmith Follow my Tweets https://twitter.com/ileane Desktop mic: ATR2100 http://amzn.to/2xqTTwT…
FACEBOOK CHANGED THE LIVE INTERFACE!! Get the updated tutorial for using Facebook Live Producer → https://ileanesmith.com/how-to-use-facebook-live-producer/ =========================================== My website: https://ileanesmith.com Go here to ask a question 🤓 leave a voicemail ☎️ send a text📱 or get more tips 💁🏽♀️ https://ileanesmith.com/links Tools list: EcammLive https://ileane.link/ecammlive Shop for gear and books https://www.amazon.com/shop/ileanesmith…
In this video I promised to share the 5 best #livestreaming apps for iPhone. But it turns out that I ended up sharing a lot more (including some Android apps too). # 1. Twitch 01:33 # 2. Facebook Live Audio 07:15 # 3. Spreaker Live Audio 13:12 # 4. YouTube…
Are you thinking about starting a blog? I'll introduce you to a framework that helps you start a sustainable blog. Even in light of all the other content marketing platforms we can choose from, blogging is still alive and well. Download the slides: https://www.slideshare.net/Ileane/start-a-sustainable-blog-that-thrives I'd love ❤️ for you to…
Take a behind the scenes look at my studio in progress. Learn about the CAD U37 USB Mic and 53,000 views in my real-time YouTube stats CAD mic http://amzn.to/2yjEJLu I'd love ❤️ for you to subscribe to this channel → https://goo.gl/2bro3j Shop for gear and books https://www.amazon.com/shop/ileanesmith Follow my Tweets…
3 resources for downloading social media images and templates are: Creative Market, Shutterstock and Stokpic. READ MORE: https://www.patreon.com/posts/3-sites-to-find-13328273 You get access to 6 new graphics on Creative Market each week. http://ileane.link/freegoods Download 2 images from Shutter Stock http://ileane.link/shutterstock Sign up for Stokpic http://ileane.link/stokpic Get PicMonkey: http://ileane.link/picmonkey Get Pablo here: https://bufferapp.com/pablo…
Behind the Scenes look at the Patreon Creator Dashboard. I'd love ❤️ for you to subscribe to this channel → https://goo.gl/2bro3j Shop for gear and books https://www.amazon.com/shop/ileanesmith Follow my Tweets https://twitter.com/ileane Desktop mic: ATR2100 http://amzn.to/2xqTTwT Webcam: Logitech C920 http://amzn.to/2xdh39J Rode Lav mic: http://amzn.to/2xdh8Kz Connect on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/MsIleaneSpeaks/ DISCLAIMER: This video…