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Nov. 4, 2014

How To Calculate Your Actual YouTube AdSense Payment Distribution

I answer a question about "estimated earnings" on YouTube and why the amount is always wrong. I show you how to find the true daily earnings on your YouTube videos in your AdSense account. Step-by-step instructions to log into your Google AdSense account and navigate to Hosted AdSense for content…

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Nov. 3, 2014

Promoted Advertising Tutorial | How to Create Pinterest Pin Ads

Get more Pinterest Business Tips, Tools and Tutorials 📌📌 📌 📌 Pinterest is a great way to drive traffic to your blog and using promoted pins is a wonderful option you should try. Start off by applying for promoted pins on your Pinterest business account. Then head over to…

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Nov. 2, 2014

Buzzsumo Tutorial: How to Improve Your Blog's Content

Many thanks to Harsh Agrawal from for inviting me to do an interview on his blog. Here is a short video to introduce myself to the community and show you a little about how I use The full interview with me is on the Shout Me Loud Blog:…

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Oct. 28, 2014

Get More Shares For Your Blog on Triberr

Triberr is a social sharing network for bloggers. Submit your content to be shared by thought leaders and influential bloggers who are members of the community. In this video I demonstrate how to make your content stand out in the tribal stream using the featured image from your blog post.…

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Oct. 20, 2014

How to Track Subscriber Engagement in YouTube Analytics

In your YouTube Analytics check Subscriber Engagement reports to find detailed information about how the subscriber base for your channel is growing. Learn more about how to get started with YouTube From the Engagement Reports you can see: ✔ YouTube Subscribers gained ✔ Which YouTube videos attract more subscribers…

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Oct. 12, 2014

How to Edit an Existing YouTube Video Instead of Deleting It In this tutorial you will get step-by-step instructions for how to edit out parts of an existing YouTube video using the video Enhancements tool on YouTube. Learn how to: ▶ ✔Find the YouTube Editor ✔Scrub forward to your start edit point ✔Use the YouTube Trim Tool ✔Scrub forward to…

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Oct. 4, 2014

LeadPages Tutorial: How To Setup LeadBoxes and Subscription Popup Forms

LeadPages is the leading software for creating landing pages and optin forms to build your email list. LeadBoxes are one of the hottest features in the LeadPages suite of tools and now you can use LeadBoxes to trigger a Popup email capture form. GET LEADPAGES AND LEADBOXES: Discover how…

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Sept. 27, 2014

Use iTunes to Convert Wav Files to MP3 and Add ID3 Tags to Your Podcast

Podcasters often record their audio files in Audacity or some other software that produces a .wav file. Converting that .wav file to .mp3 saves space without reducing the quality of the audio. In this video I show you how to set up the iTunes software on your computer to convert…

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Sept. 14, 2014

Keep Track of Your AdSense Earnings on YouTube in Analytics Get a behind the scenes look at the YouTube traffic and Analytics on the Ms. Ileane Speaks YouTube Channel. Learn how to grow your channel with the YouTube Rankings Report Read the full blog post Take a look at the YouTube Channel Analytics and YouTube AdSense earnings for…

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Aug. 24, 2014

PostPlanner Tutorial: Never Worry about What to Post on Social Media

PostPlanner makes it so you will never run out of content ideas for Facebook and other social sites. I absolutely love PostPlanner and you can get it here Did you ever wonder what to post on social media? On the video I introduce you to the Post Planner interface…

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Aug. 19, 2014

Webcam Settings App for Mac and Logitech C920 Webcam

Find out if the Webcam Settings App for Mac is right for you! In this video I share my thoughts on the Webcam Settings App for Mac and I show you the Logitech C920 Webcam. See all of my video gear: Webcam settings app Logitech C920 webcam…

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July 27, 2014

Start Making YouTube Videos Today

Don't put it off another day. Start Recording YouTube Videos Today. Let go of your fear of being in front of the camera. Stop making excuses, just let them go! Promote your blog, promote your small business or even your book. CLAIM YOUR FREE REPORT - 5 TOOLS I USE…

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July 19, 2014

How To Use Circloscope for Your Google Plus Business Page or Profile

Circloscope is an extension for Google Chrome that allows your to manage your following on Google +. Try Circloscope now at: Read the full blog post here In this video I demonstrate how to add people to circles for a Google + business page. Go here to ask…

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July 13, 2014

Tips & Tricks for Using Instagram on Samsung Galaxy S4 and Other Android Devices Instagram's Android App is lacking a couple of features compared to the iOS version. Here's how to add Emojis (without rooting your phone) and Delete comments from Instagram if you are an Android user. ★★ TRANSCRIPT★★ Tips and tricks for using Instagram on your Android phone First thing you…

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June 28, 2014

Facebook Layout Changes 2014 Find Your Missing Apps Facebook changed the layout for business pages in June 2014. With this latest round of changes many Facebook page Admins thought that their apps were gone. In this video I will show you how to find those missing Facebook apps and how to manage the settings. Closed Captioning is…

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May 18, 2014

Instagram Tutorial Getting Started Using Instagram

Are you new to Instagram? Beginners can learn how to use Instagram, the fastest growing visual social network on the web. Access Instagram from your SmartPhone or mobile device and use some desktop applications to help build your following on Instagram. Read the full blog post get the transcript and…

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May 8, 2014

Canva Tutorials YouTube Playlist Introduction

Canva is a free online service you can use to create custom images and graphics. Maybe you've heard of Canva before and you just want to get your hands on some great tutorials so you can start using it, or perhaps you want to hear the story behind how Canva…

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April 26, 2014

The Best Way To Make Custom YouTube Thumbnails We all know how important it is to have an attractive custom thumbnail on our YouTube videos. In this video I will show you how to use a fantastic YouTube Thumbnail maker called TubeSlicer. You'll see how to easily create custom thumbnails that will get clicked on in search…

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April 20, 2014

How to Use Animoto to Make Exciting YouTube Videos and Intros

Animoto is an online editing tool you can use to create videos. Upload them to YouTube or use them on your other social media networks like Instagram, Facebook or Pinterest. Use Animoto to make your YouTube intros and outros as well. GET ANIMOTO Here's how to create a…

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April 16, 2014

How To Connect with SoundCloud and Listen to Podcasts in HootSuite

SoundCloud recently teamed up with HootSuite and you can find the SoundCloud app in the HootSuite directory. In this video, you'll learn how to connect SoundCloud to HootSuite, install the SoundCloud app and listen to your favorite podcasts on your desktop HootSuite dashboard. You have three settings to choose from:…

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March 22, 2014

Pinterest Marketing Tip: How To Check Your Pinterest Notifications

Pinterest has a red notifications button at the top right hand side of the homepage. Check this button each time you login to Click that button to find out who is following you, who is pinning and repinning your pins. You'll also get notified when you're invited to a group…

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Jan. 17, 2014

How To Leave Facebook Groups For Good

Facebook groups can be great but how can we avoid being added to groups we're not interested in joining? In this video I'll give you step by step instructions for finding out who is adding you to unwanted groups so that you can unfriend them. Find the unwanted groups…

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Jan. 3, 2014

YouTube Do's and Don'ts with Ms. Ileane and Rich Mom Renae Christine The do's and don'ts of YouTube are covered in this video featuring a collaboration between Renae Christine aka Rich Mom and Ms. Ileane. Check out the other half of this video on Renae's channel ➨ ➨ ▶ Check out my gear, books and other essential recommendations in my…

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Dec. 8, 2013

Get More Pinterest Traffic With TailWindApp

Pinterest is a great source of targeted traffic for your blog. TailWind App is great for helping you get more Pinterest traffic. Sign up for Tailwind #pinterest #tailwindapp #pinteresttips Read the full blog post here You can check Google Analytics to see how much traffic you're getting from…

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