Subscribers are the greatest asset for content marketers. People can subscribe by RSS, Email, Podcast, YouTube, Facebook and more. Find out which type of subscriber you are and which one is the best kind to have. Read the full blog post Get AWeber for your newsletter It would… I visited the headquarters of AWeber email marketing just outside of Philadephia. I demonstrate the use of the Rapportive AWeber Application in Gmail. Rapportive helps you discover the social networks and services your subscribers use and add them to circles in Google+. Read the full blog post Get… I hung out with Adrienne Smith from and we talked about overcoming the fear of public speaking and doing online webinars. We explored the interface of Google+ Hangouts On Air and discovered that it is a fantastic alternative to some of the paid webinar hosting software available. Get… How often should you post on your blog and what is the secret behind determining blog post frequency. I answer this question and a whole lot more in this video I also demonstrate how to use the JetPack Lite plugin for Wordpress. Read the full blog post Subscribe… In this video you'll learn how to install a brand new font to your computer. If you have a artwork or other graphics and the font you need is missing, here's how to download it from the internet and install it on your computer so that you can edit… Twitter ads are quick and easy to setup and in this video I demonstrate how to run a successful Twitter advertising promotion that gets results. The ad I created got my presentation to the homepage on SlideShare in less than 24 hours. Read the full post I also… Google Analytics is updated to include social measurement reports. First you must set up Goals on your Admin dashboard so that you can access which social networks are converting. You can download the slides at 01:06 Four Types of Goals You Can Set Up in Google Analytics 01:46…
Scoopit is a free content curation tool that you can use to bookmark articles, videos, podcasts and presentations about your favorite topics online. In this tutorial I demonstrate how to use the dashboard, explore the community and use the Google Chrome extension. You'll also see the pro features… Use the AWeber Broadcast Email Editor to Drag and Drop text boxes and images to compose an email for your subscribers. AWeber is a wildly popular email marketing service for bloggers and entrepreneurs and small business owners. Read the full post here: Subscribe to this channel Give… Ditch the fake like button on Facebook and replace it with your most popular Facebook apps or tabs. Use the Admin Panel to send friend requests to people you recently liked your page. Read the full blog post Get free tips and resources to help you build a…
Find your @mentions on Twitter and HootSuite and learn proper set-up of the ShareBar Plugin for WordPress. Sign up for NutShellMail and configure your email settings. Learn how to: View the Twitter Interface Find when someone mentions you on Twitter Find when someone retweets you on Twitter View the HootSuite…
One Day I felt the hand of God when he touched me in a dream. Words by Ileane Smith, music by Rodney Hawthorne. Originally Recorded in 2005 to encourage young people to study STEM (Science Technology Engineering & Math) and to promote an interest in astronomy. The slideshow was created… Podcasting is easy with the Samson C03U mic and the Logitech C910 Webcam. In this video I discuss podcasting gear and how I use Screencast-o-matic to record a podcast and edit with Audacity. Samson C03U Logitech HD Pro Webcam C910 Screencast-o-mastic Audacity free audio editing software…
Learn four easy ways to embed YouTube videos into a post on Wordpress. You'll also see how easy it is to embed a podcast or enhanced multimedia such as Storify using the Plugin for WordPress. Read the blog post Follow me on Twitter Show your support on… HootSuite apps for YouTube and Tumblr give you easy access to your accounts right from the HootSuite dashboard. You can upload videos to YouTube and monitor your comments and favorites. Manage your Tumblr blog too! Subscribe to this channel Follow me on Twitter Show your support on… Find incoming links in your WordPress dashboard, on Technorati and in Google Webmaster Tools. Building backlinks to your blog or website is an important tools for improving SEO. Read the full post Learn how to: 00:30 View incoming links to your blog from your WordPress dashboard 00:55 Hover… Blogger blogs have a new look that replaces the old templates. You can add AdSense to your Blogger with these new styles. Dynamic views is an alternative that you can use on Blogger. The instructions in this video work even if you don't use Dynamic Views. 03:30 Connect AdSense…
This is an overview of YouTube Analytics. Use it to track traffic to your YouTube Channel, audience retention and shares to Twitter, Facebook and other social networks. Read the full post Subscribe to this channel Follow me on Twitter Show your support on Patreon ▶ Check…
Try this quick self massage that you can do while sitting in your chair. Massage for Bloggers written by Ntathu Allen, recited by Ms. Ileane Speaks featuring The Blue Star Collaboration. Read more here Keep up with tools and tips to help improve your blog and expand your… The lightshot extension for Chrome is one of the only screenshot tools that lets you take screenshots of YouTube videos. You can edit any screenshot with Pixlr. Follow me on Twitter for more tutorials and blogging tips Show your support on Patreon ▶ Check out my gear,…
Learn how to use to get more eyeballs on your content and increase social engagement. Use JustRetweet to get more followers on Twitter and use credits to get views on your blog or website too. Read this post to learn how to get your first 2,000 followers on Twitter… Here's my video response to Lisa Irby about why I don't do video responses. Well I know that's an oxymoron but I can't resist the challenge. This is me Keeping it Real!! Subscribe to this channel Follow me on Twitter Show your support on Patreon Add… Check out the new layout and design options for your YouTube Channel. Subscribe to this channel for all of the updated tutorials. Read the full blog post and find out how to get the new view for your channel now! Thanks for watching and give this video a… Learn how to use Spreaker to record your podcast online. For more tutorials subscribe to this Channel and follow me on Twitter Subscribe to this channel Add me to circles on Google+ Sign up for Spreaker ▶ Check out my gear, books and other essential…